Thursday 31 January 2019

Location Release Form

Here, I asked for permission to film in somebody else's home. I needed this permission as the household in question was ideal for what i wanted to film, and I also had nowhere else to possibly film. Luckily, I acquired permission and was also welcomed back to film anytime incase i needed to do any retakes or get extra footage.  

Wednesday 30 January 2019


My movie will work within the horror genre. My main influences are going to be slasher films due to the way they create a tense atmosphere around a seemingly unstoppable killer. My main influence is the "Scream" franchise as it often follows a set of teenage characters fighting back against a masked killer who at the end of the day, is only human. However, I decided to try and make my movie more realistic by having it simply be a man in a mask committing a home invasion, like in "The Strangers". Due to the movie being a horror, I will give it a somewhat cold colour visual, like in "Halloween" and "Friday The 13th".

Thursday 24 January 2019

Rough Draft Script #1



CHRIS is on the phone to a friend in his room. He is lying on his bed while doing so.

Yeah George, you can come over later since I'm home alone. Yeah. Bring some over if you want, we just can't smoke any inside. Yeah, the smell is too noticeable. Alright I gotta go get a bite to eat, see ya later, bye.

CHRIS hangs up the phone and throws it to the side on his bed. He stretches his arms and then steps off his bed. He leaves the room, walks downstairs, and goes to the kitchen. He searches the fridge and cupboards, different angles show a man in the distance, inside the house. 

CHRIS puts a slice of bread in his mouth, and goes to turn out of the kitchen. Suddenly he stops, and goes to look at where the man was. Nobody is there. He turns and to see the man, brandishing a knife. CHRIS yells and runs away, heading up the stairs.

Running up the stairs, CHRIS stumbles slightly, allowing the intruder to grab his ankle. CHRIS kicks away at the mans arm and manages to break free. He sprints upstairs and slips into his dark room, then hides down the side of his bed. The intruder enters the room and is heard walking around, until the footsteps suddenly stop. CHRIS slowly rises, then sees the intruder sat in the centre of the bed. He goes to run, but the intruder pounces. 

The pair wrestle until the intruder pulls out the knife, but CHRIS knocks it out of his hand and onto the floor besides them. The intruder instead puts his hands around the neck of CHRIS and starts to strangle him. CHRIS gags and struggles then grabs the knife from besides him and stabs him in the chest. The man struggles, and CHRIS stabs him again a few times before the intruder collapses.

CHRIS stands, exhausted.

I guess I'm not as alone as I thought...

 CHRIS lets out a defeated sigh, then turns and goes to leave the room. A noise is heard behind him. CHRIS spins around, but the body of The Intruder is gone. CHRIS goes to run, only to be grabbed from behind by around the neck. Chris is pulled back and has the knife swung down right to his chest, only for the screen to freeze before impact, and the credits to roll across the frozen image. 

Tuesday 22 January 2019

Magazine Progress

Magazine Cover

This is the first template draft for my magazine. I went for a plain pink look, with simple text. My idea was for the main image to take up the whole page with no text in the way. However, I wasn't a fan of the overall design so i decided to make a new draft. 

 I made a new draft of my magazine template, complete with a title, issue number and date. The image is yet to be added. In place of my main image is a black square, as the image will be a person in black and white, this allows me to work around the empty space that I will have the image in. So far I am going for a minimalistic look, yet still trying to keep it interesting.

I added in an existing photo of a musical artist. I made the image grayscale and cropped it to fit nicely, then added text on top of the image saying the artists name and what page the interview with him will be on. This is a placeholder until i can take my own image and insert it here using the same format and set-up. 

I created another draft with this image and using a different set-up, but kept all the same content. Personally, I prefer the other set-up and that is likely the one that i am going to use in my actual magazine, at-least so far. One thing from this i liked was the pink box with white text to keep the artists name in, so it may make a return in future drafts.

I took this photo of my friend to replace the existing image that i have on my magazine. This is the photo before any editing was done. I used this once as it was the clearest image I took in my shoot and had the best lighting. It also fit the theme and aimed vibe of my magazine. 

This is the image after i switched it to black and white in photoshop. I used different colour sliders and settings to ensure i got the exact coloring I needed, rather than just switching it straight to grayscale. I also cropped and resized the image. 

First, I placed the new image on my second-made template, to see if it looked better with the new image/ It came out quite well and the image was a fitting size. 

I then tried it with my preferred template and ensured it was sized correctly. Unfortunately, the pink text did not show very well on the white shirt in the image. I decided to use a black rectangle to make it clearer against the background, and I may try it with different colored rectangles to see how I like it.

I decided I wanted to see how the cover would look using different colours for all of the text and I prefer this new one a lot more. This is likely going to be a lot what my finished design looks like as I  feel it fits my theme and aimed aesthetic a lot better. It also just looks a lot cleaner in my opinion.

 I also made a red variant, so that I had different forms of the same design to choose from, but I personally do not like this and will continue to use the blue one, as I find it a lot better aesthetically and in-terms of what I want the consistent theme of my magazine to be like. 

Here, I took another picture that i can use as my second image on my magazine front cover or two-page spread. It is unedited here but already has a nice visual appeal due to the darkness and the bright lights.

Here, I decided to go back to having rapper Kevin Abstract on my front cover. to make the image my own, I cropped him from his existing background on photoshop and added him to my own image. I also heavily de-saturated my image, increased the brightness and amped up the colour to make it appear black and white, but keep the colour of all the lights.

Double Page Spread

Here, I started my double page. I immediately disliked this draft, but liked the image of the artist that I had used and looked to keep it. 

Then I decided to use a gray background behind the image but have it cut off after a certain point. This creates a nice effect with my title, since it doesn't have an inside fill. I made the outline of it pink as a callback to the front cover, to add consistency. The article also overlaps the background change, making that have a nice effect also.

Final Magazine