Saturday 3 November 2018

Assignment One

Comedy Codes And Conventions

Comedy movies commonly follow a set theme, that isn't too hard to notice. They can seem quite formulaic in some instances, using a lot of different cliches. For my comparison, I chose to do Shaun Of The Dead and Pineapple Express, in order to compare the conventions used in two action comedies that were shot in different countries and in different years. Using these movies, I will look to identify the common conventions used in their genre.

Reference One

Shaun Of The Dead

The establishing shot to the movie Shaun Of The Dead shows the setting to be a pub. This is expected from a comedy movie as they will commonly use social places that many viewers will likely have visited before in their life, due to the movie being an 18, and being marketed at adults. This creates a sense of comfort to the audience as the setting is familiar and also seems natural, thus humanising the characters and making them feel more realistic. Realistic characters make them overall more likeable, instead of just being perfect and one note. Comedy characters are commonly flawed, and the majority of characters in Shaun Of The Dead are flawed. The titular character, Shaun, is immature and lazy. These flaws are used commonly in comedy films worldwide, to make a relatable character that can use their flaw to be humorous also. Shaun is shown as flawed from the beginning, as his girlfriend Liz is addressing his flaws to him and complaining how he won't take their relationship more seriously. This allows the audience to see the character like a real person, making him more likeable and thus easier to laugh with in-jokes later in the movie. The scene allows viewers to focus on the dialogue by only using Diegetic sounds, having music playing in the actual bar instead of being added over the top. This is used commonly in comedy movies, but non-diegetic is used commonly as well. The use of diegetic sounds makes the setting in the scene more realistic and feel more welcoming as a whole.

Pineapple Express
In Pineapple Express, the first time we see the main character Dale is when he is driving his car around the streets of California. This scene has Dale listening to the radio, which is playing Electric Avenue by Eddie Grant. This is a diegetic sound, but it flows into non-diegetic when showing Dale doing his job, which is shown alongside the driving scene. This helps to keep the music flowing no matter what is being shown, something that not many movies do, making this outside of the expected codes and conventions of a comedy movie. This scene features a lot of fast cuts, making the movie seem energetic. There is even use of speed-up and slow-motion techniques, making things move faster so that the audience does not grow bored. The use of the slow motion was used almost in a way that mocks action movies, as Dale threw on a large laboratory coat. Dale uses many one-liners and insults during his job as a Process Server. The use of these lines is to make Dale seem as likeable as possible quite early in the movie, by having him seem humorous and carefree. However, Dale is only shown as a flawed character when he is back in his car, talking on the phone about his relationship with a high school girl. While legal, many would perhaps frown upon this, once again showing the use of a flawed main character, even if the flaw is very different and perhaps greater. While a risk is taken using such a topic, it opens up a lot of potential dark humour, something the target audience of people 15 and above will likely be looking for. 

Reference Two

Shaun Of The Dead
The movie centres around Shaun and his group, a common theme in comedy movies. Many of them follow a theme of one or two main characters with recurring side characters, something Shaun Of The Dead uses as well. This allows there to be another different personalities and motivations for the audience relate to, while also allowing characters to play off of each-other for comedic effect. The main character Shaun commonly does this with his best friend named Ed. The character Ed follows a common archetype used in Comedy films by being a typically unintelligent man. This is mainly played for jokes and different types of comedy. Ed could be considered a sort of Binary Opposite to Shaun. Shaun is employed, and Ed is not. This is one of many differences between the pair, and it doubles to show how much lazier Ed is shown that Shaun as he also shows no intentions of getting a job. Ed is also presented as being dirty and messy, whereas Shaun is shown at-least making himself presentable and tidying up after himself. Even though they share a lot of similarities, Shaun is still intelligent. The binary opposites theory of Levi Strauss is that two-man characters in a book or film with have opposing personalities, and that is very much the case here, except in comedies it is played for laughs. Shaun and Ed have disagreements throughout the movie, with Shaun often being more ethical and Ed just thinking of himself. While the two are ultimately still friends, they still share conflict. Ed's immaturity and idiocy also get Shaun and the rest of the group into trouble, most notably a scene in which he uses a very loud slot machine while the group hide in the bar, surrounded by zombies. 

Pineapple Express
In Pineapple Express, the two main characters are the aforementioned Dale and his drug dealer Saul. When they are first shown together, Dale is wearing a suit whereas Saul is in his pyjamas, and sat in his messy and small apartment. By appearance alone, the pair are already opposites, due to the difference in clothing and their overall presentation of themselves. Dale looks like a typical working man, whereas Saul looks like a slacker, and overall doesn't have an inviting look about him. While interacting with each-other, Dale comes off as quite awkward whereas Saul is pushy and excitable, almost as if he's desperate for Dale to like him. These behaviours make the character fit into being an opposite to Dale, therefore fitting this usual trope of main comedy characters. The duo in this movie also has a conflict between each other, leading to disagreements and arguments, yet they ultimately come out of it is as strong friends, stronger than they were earlier in the movie. This is used very often in "Buddy" comedies, as part of a larger message of friendship. This wasn't particularly used in Shaun Of The Dead, giving an example of when a movie acts outside of its usual conventions and what would generally be expected of the movie. 

Reference Three

Shaun Of The Dead
Many props that are used in Shaun Of The Dead are very expected and typical to the genre of the movie. Since the main setting of the movie is a pub, many characters consume alcohol throughout the movie. This allows the characters to further seem relatable and realistic. The alcohol use is also an adult theme, making it fit for the target adult audience. The movie also has use of a shotgun, firearms are a common thing in many comedies, specifically the action blends. The weapon is used in part of the Chekhov's Gun theory, having it shown earlier in the movie and having characters question if it actually works. Later in the movie, the gun is successfully used to save the characters lives in a very violent manner, another strong adult theme. 

Pineapple Express
In Pineapple Express, the two main characters commonly use marijuana throughout. This is a strong adult theme, making it suited to its target audience. It also sets up jokes surrounding the prop, making it appeal to fans of "Stoner Comedies" as well as an average audience. Drug use is used commonly throughout comedies, helping this movie fit with its common codes and conventions.

Narrative Theory

Both of these movies follow Todorov's Equilibrium theory, which states that all movies start with an Equilibrium, where everything is normal for the characters. However, there is then a disruption, changing the normal life. After recognition of the disruption, there is an attempt to repair the damage which then comes full circle to the forming of the New Equilibrium. 

Shaun Of The Dead
In Shaun Of The Dead, the Equilibrium is that everything is normal and Shaun gets by just hanging out with best friend Ed. The disruption is a disease that is causing people to die and then come back to life as Zombies. The characters realise when they are attacked and then warned by different news outlets, and they attempt to repair the situation by hiding out in a pub until the government does something about the outbreak. New Equilibrium is found when the army shows up and clear out all Zombies, and Shaun gets back with his girlfriend and moves in with her in a New Equilibrium.

Pineapple Express
In the movie Pineapple Express, the Equilibrium is main character Dale just going through life by doing his job and doing a lot of drugs to have a good time. However a disruption comes when he witnessed the murder of a crime boss, and the murderer sees that he has witnessed it. He recognizes it as an issue when people are sent to track him down, so he and his drug dealer Saul go on the run. They soon try to repair the situation by engaging in a large gunfight with the crime organization, establishing a New Equilibrium when they’ve defeated the criminals and left somewhat unscathed.

Superhero Movies Codes And Conventions

Superhero movies, while popular, are considered to be very formulaic, cliché and oftentimes generic. They follow a lot of the same premises and many are even shot the same. To talk about the common codes and conventions that are used within the Superhero genre, I will talk about two films. One film is The Avengers and the other is Guardians Of The Galaxy.

Reference One

The Avengers
The movie The Avengers is set primarily in Manhattan, New York City. Many different superhero movies are set in popular American cities, New York being a very common one. This is done as many viewers of the movies will be familiar with the cities and all of the different tourist attractions that could be featured, which often get damaged or destroyed in the movies. Use of settings that audiences are familiar with makes the property damage seem more important, as they are familiar with its significance. For example, if the Statue Of Liberty were to be damaged in one of these movies, it would have a much larger effect than damage to a small house as people are familiar with it. The familiarity also adds a sense of comfort during some scenes, as they can relate to what may be happening. The setting also fits the target audience of the movie, which is a family film. This is because the setting doesn’t have anything inappropriate for any younger viewers, whereas if it was set in a pub, it wouldn’t fit the demographic. In the movie, Manhattan is the location of the “Avengers Headquarters”. Headquarters are a common thing in Superhero movies, even if they’re something more subtle like Spider-Man’s Bedroom, used in “Spider-Man: Homecoming”. 

Guardians Of The Galaxy
In Guardians Of The Galaxy, there are many different settings ranging from space, fictional planets and even Earth. This shows that Guardians Of The Galaxy follows a consistent theme by using Earth but also shows many common Sci-Fi elements with its use of outer space. This is common in some superhero movies, but less common than other settings, especially for the heroes to be here. The headquarters for the Guardians is a spaceship as-well, fitting with the setting and keeping things consistent whilst also subverting expectations from what the audience might have thought they would use. The space setting works well for this movie as Guardians is aimed at a slightly older demographic, or just more hardcore Marvel fans in general due to the featured heroes obscurity before the movie was made. This allows them to show off different complex settings without worry about younger audience members being confused.

Reference Two

The Avengers
In The Avengers, there is strong binary opposites at play. The main one is the team of heroes vs the movies main villain, Loki. Loki is cited as a “God Of Mischief” and is a very evil and brooding character. When compared to the positive and good-willed heroes, he is very different. This allowed ye audience to distinguish different morals, and root for the heroes easier. Commonly in hero movies, there is a personal connection between the hero and the villain. One Avenger is Thor, the “God Of Thunder” and the brother of Loki. This allows a more personal feud to be at play, and it makes the motives of the villain more believable, thus making him easier to dislike. The villain having a personal problem with a beloved hero makes the audience feel more involved as well, since things feel like they’re on a more realistic level. 

Guardians Of The Galaxy
In this movie, the main binary opposites are between the actual heroes. Each character comes together almost accidentally, with the two main heroes even against each-other at the start, but they then come together to form the team. The team are visually very opposing to each other as well. The leader is a white male human, his love interest is a green female alien. There is also a muscular alien man, an intelligent genetically modified raccoon and a living tree. These characters are all very eye-catching due to them all having an immensely unique look, making them all very distinguishable. Nobody looks generic, which sets this apart from the common codes and conventions of superhero characters just wearing a mask and a cape with a spandex outfit. The villain is visually an opposite in the movie as well, as he wears large black armor and has a dark blue skin. He appears very dark and his pallet isn’t very broad, especially when in comparison to the colorful and vibrant heroes. This is something common, as it helps the villain to be easily distinguishable from a still image alone. The personal connection between the heroes and the villain in this movie is that the villain, Ronan, killed the family of the muscular alien, Drax. Drax is presented as a lovable and funny character, so him having a personal feud with the villain will make him hated by audiences and also make the heroes easier to get behind.

Reference Three

The Avengers
Props used in this movie revolve strongly around different gadgets or fantasy style weapons. For example, a particularly famous prop in the movie would be the shield of the character Captain America. The shield is a weapon made of a metal from space that makes it indestructible. This gadget/weapon fits perfectly into the common codes and conventions of this genre, as it fits in both fantasy and sci-fi, which have a lot borrowed from them to make Superhero movies. The same could be said for Thor’s magical hammer that enables him to fly and also shoots lightning.

Guardians Of The Galaxy
In this movie, the props are more Sci-Fi based, due to the space setting. One of the main heroes, Star Lord, commonly uses many futuristic gadgets. He uses laser blasters as his weapon of choice and regularly flies around via use of rockets on his shoes. While in space he has a protective oxygen mask also. These gadgets fit the sub-genre of the film very much, and also the overall superhero genre by being an item that doesn’t exist in real life, making the person wielding the gadgets seem important and unique.

Narrative Structure

The Avengers
The Avengers (italics) follows the Todorov Narrative theory as well. The Equilibrium is when the powerful energy source known as the Tesseract is safe in hands of the government. Disruption comes when Loki steals the power source from said government. The realization is when Loki uses the energy source to open a portal that beams alien armies to Manhattan and starts wreaking havoc. An attempt to repair the situation is made by forming the superhero team of The Avengers to face off with Loki, defeat him and his alien forces and then get the energy source back. They succeed and form a new Equilibrium by having the Tesseract placed safely back where it came from and Loki is sent to his home planet to be held imprisoned. The plot also uses the Tesseract as a MacGuffin, since the entire plot revolves around who is in possession of the item, and the movie ends when it is safely back into the heroes possession.

Guardians Of The Galaxy

This movie also follows Todorovs Narrative, making this very common in this superhero genre. The Equilibrium is Star Lord traveling the galaxy and commuting theft, having fun along the way. However, when he steals an item known as an Infinity Stone, a disruption is caused as many villains, namely Ronan, attempt to stop Star Lord and retrieve the item for themselves. Star Lord is joined by his new team, The Guardians Of The Galaxy, who help him defeat Ronan to repair the problem, and then they start a new Equilibrium by passing the stone to an intergalactic government known as the Nova Corps. The use of the stone is once again a MacGuffin, having the whole plot point revolve around this item.

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