Friday 30 November 2018

Magazine Production Planning Learning Aim B

My Rational

My magazine is going to be a music magazine focusing on hip-hop artists and lesser known indie/underground singers. It will have a target audience of teenagers and young adults, ranging from 13 to the mid 20's, but it will be accessible for older readers as-well. I did research to find out wether i should do my magazine in print or digital format, and the majority of people preferred print, so this will be a print magazine in physical form. However, not too many were willing to pay for a magazine, and those who where wouldn't be willing to pay over £3. This means my magazine will only be £1.50, keeping it cheap for teenagers who may not have much money to spend, but ensuring that the magazine still brings in some sort of money in order to keep it running. Most people also showed a preference to magazines having a simple design, almost minimalistic. I will include this as-well, having the cover typically feature just one large image and a tagline, with nothing making it seem crowded. The images used will often be close ups of musicians from the shoulders and above, often looking at the camera. They may stand differently or do a different pose, but each image will be shot similarly. Depending on the style of the artist, the colour will change, but the magazine will typically have bright and vibrant colours, focusing on things like red, green, blue and pink. My research showed the majority preferred their magazines to be colourful, so this will be acceptable and suited to the audience. The artist will also be related to my magazines purpose and be someone that the audience may know, or if they don't, they would be interested in. This ensures that everything fits the target and nothing seems to be out of place or strange.

When shooting photography , I would normally shoot in common everyday locations. This could mean things like city centres, public parks, and places of work. Some people could be shot in front of a green screen and edited to be in a more extravagant location if it fits their style. The shoots would often be inside however, as this allows for extra lights to be used to add a more colourful effect, yet the outside locations are still an option. The equipment will be typical photograph equipment. We will need a camera, tripod and then all that is needed are lights. Any extra props needed for certain shoots are easy to gain access to and will only be bought if required. I am already in possession of a DSLR , tripod and a portable LED light on a stand. This means i wont have to spend any more money on these items unless they are damaged or I need one of higher quality for a certain task. I likely wont need any extra crew as the photos will all be shot by myself, so the crew would only be if friends volunteered to assist me, so there would be no need for any crew pay.

My Pitch

Do you need a new magazine? Of course you do! Do you need a new music magazine with a perfect mix of mainstream and underground artists? Pulse is the magazine for you! This magazine will bring in many music fans, young and old alike. There are not any magazines talking about lesser known artists, so Pulse will become many peoples favourite magazine to hear more about them on. It'll feature reviews, interviews, news and everything necessary for a music magazine, just better! While all ages will be able to enjoy Pulse, our main target audience will be teenagers and young adults. Due to this, we will have a simple yet colourful design, ensuing that the magazine is nice aesthetically and also easy to pick up and understand, making it more accessible to readers. I must admit to drawing inspiration from "Crack Magazine'', so i attached an image below. Pulse is the magazine people need, so give it to them.

The Proposal

My magazine will be a print magazine about music. It will feature a number of different things related to the topic, such as artist interviews, music reviews and news about whats happening in the industry. The only equipment needed besides from a computer to produce the magazine would be photography equipment like cameras and lights, needed for exclusive artist photos or photos from live performances. The camera could cost up to 300 pound, whereas standing lights would be about 30 pound each. To help steady the camera, we could invest in a tripod (roughly 40 pound) or a gamble (roughly 400 pound depending on quality). For the interviews, artists would have to be asked if they are willing to do so and then it would have to be scheduled in advance for a time that is suitable for them. If photos are used for any purpose and they weren't taken by someone who works for the magazine, legal action could be taken if no permission is asked in advance. The photographer or company who own the photo will need to give permission and then have credit given inside the actual magazine. All of the sources will need to be logged also. Alternatively, primary content can be produced exclusive to the magazine, to avoid any issues ands also give a more unique feel.n Of course, all articles in the magazine will be produced by the magazine itself to avoid any issues with plagiarism. All content produced should fir the magazine theme, which is music in this case. For example, this means there shouldn't be anything sports related in the magazine as it isn't what people purchased it to see.

IPSO are the independent press standards association, a group that ensure all magazines follow the editors code. This means they prevent fake news being spread, people stealing others work, invasion of privacy and any discriminatory pieces towards a specific group of people. If the code is not followed, then IPSO can hold the magazine creators to account and even censor their magazine.

Flat Plan Design

Template for front cover.

Template for Two-Page Spread.

I decided to use quite a simple design for both my two page spread and my front cover. This was because my survey results had the majority saying that they preferred simple/minimalistic designs over complex ones.  This is beneficial tho my target audience, since it is primarily young people like teenagers, who will prefer things to not be too complex. They are also specifically designed to look good in print form, which is why the two page spread splits directly down the middle, as this is where the first page will end and the second will start. On my front cover, I'm having everything separate to make the page seem less cluttered and chaotic. This allows for a more aesthetically pleasing page, with everything neatly placed in certain places.

The Treatment

The reason that my Flat Plan Design for my cover looks the way that it does is so that I can keep my vision of a simple front cover. I wanted a large main image covering the whole cover, with a title at the top and one single tagline at the bottom. This prevents the cover being crowded and visually unappealing. The simpler design would work well for the younger audience as it is easier to understand and many wouldn't read every single tagline on the side anyway so they wouldn't serve a purpose. The design would also be a lot nicer and pleasing aesthetically. On the photographs in the magazine, many images will be close ups, maybe from a downward angle. They will be looking at the camera as if they are addressing the reader, adding a personal feel to things. The lighting will be bright and colorful, yet somewhat hazy. this will fit a consistent theme/aesthetic that is used throughout the magazine. The text will be in easy to read font, and will likely be black, or white if the background is a darker colour. The writing the font will be in will be slightly informal to make it more suited to the young audience, but it wont be filled with slang words.

Prepare Content

In my magazine I will likely edit a photo of an existing music artist to use in an article about them and their music. To do this i will crop them from an existing background and put therm onto a more fitting one that matches nicely with my selected colour scheme. I would fix up the image to ensure it isn't pixelated or blurry, and make sure it fits nicely on the page without seeming stretched or shrunk. I will likely use influences from other images to help me decide exactly what I want to do for my colour scheme.

In this collage, there is an image of an existing artist (Kevin Abstract). I have chosen this musician as he fits exactly what my magazine is supposed to feature, since he is an underground rapper/singer who also fits the correct aesthetic. The two images in the top row of my collage are both photos I have taken. The left one has been edited, and the right has not. These images are examples of the type of photos I could use, and the bottom right photo is an example of how I could edit the photos to fit a different colour scheme to how it would if it stayed unedited.

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