Wednesday 13 February 2019

Meeting Plans

Here is the summary for the initial meeting that took place. Here we discussed the parts. Due to JF being quite tall he was cast as "The Intruder", as we could easily make him appear menacing. HF was then cast as "Chris".  We decided we would purchase the balaclava prop from a ski shop in the city centre and we would look online to purchase a realistic prop knife. Transport for everybody was arranged and costumes were confirmed to already be owned.
The filming location was confirmed after a very successful location scouting that showed that the location had everything we needed and was also a very safe location. We settled on all props that were needed and discussed food possibilities. For the food, we realized that there were many takeaway restaurants and general shops nearby, so we could easily get something to eat.

This was the final meeting before shooting took place. All of the props were finally confirmed after the arrival of the knife prop that was ordered from Amazon. We then decided to begin shooting at 3pm later that day, giving us another few hours to simply practice different scenes before everything was settled and shooting began.

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