Thursday 16 May 2019

Harton And Westoe Project Evaluation

Promotional Video Evaluation

For my marketing of the Harton And Westoe Boxing Gym, I produced a video showcasing the gym, the people who attend, and what is done in it. I had many people give me feedback. My friend Jack said that:

 "The video was a decent length, and showed a-lot of relevant content, but I feel like the time lapse was slightly overdone."

After reviewing this feedback, I have decided that I must agree slightly. The use of time-lapse in my promotional video certainly may seem like a bit much, as if it was over edited. While this was the intentions, from an aesthetic standpoint, I can see how it could possibly be irritating or nauseating to some due to the speed that the clips making up the video are moving at. Next time I make a promotional video, I will keep things more simple and know when to take a break from big, hard effects. Another friend, Michael, had this to say:

"The video was fine, but I think that a more popular or well known song would've been effective as they'd then associate that popular song, with this advert."

This feedback is also true, as a well known song is more likely to end up staying with the viewer, and staying in their mind. Them associating the song with the trailer will make them associate it with the club as-well, which would inevitably cause people to be thinking about Harton and Westoe Boing Club. Next time I make a video like this, I will likely use a mainstream and popular song to achieve this.

Instagram Page Evaluation

For my social media page advertising Harton And Westoe Boxing Club, my friend Jack said that:

"The posts you've uploaded are good, but there aren't enough posts. you should have posted more in order to show more things and reach more people."

This feedback is very fair, ads I only posted three images to the page. While these images showcased very important parts of the gym, there was room for more to be shown. Also, more posts will mean more people reached, so a small amount of posts isn't nearly as effective as making many posts. Next time, I'll post more and also more often in order to give more information and also grow the page. My friend Michael had this to say:

"The images posted are quite boring, and would likely look better under a filter or after being edited."

Here, I agree fully as the images were very lightly edited. While this was done to give a sort of "raw" feel from the images, it could also make them less visually interesting and therefore less likely yo catch peoples eyes when they see the posts. To fix this, next time I would use more exciting editing techniques on the images to make them more visually interesting and therefore more eye-catching, which would lead top a larger audience seeing them.

Wednesday 8 May 2019

Harton And Westoe Project

Promotional Video

To help with reaching people, I have decided that I will create a promotional video for the boxing club. This is because a video would be a very accessible product and it would be very easy to understand and get the message across well. To do this, I would have to go directly to the source. I would be required to travel to the Harton and Westoe boxing gym. In a group of three, I travelled to the gym with a tripod and a camera, set out to get footage for my video advertisement. I received footage of many different things within the gym. In my video, I shot numerous shots of people sparring, exercising and the gym equipment. This footage is appropriate to my purpose and also very informative, showing people what they need to be shown. Shooting the footage went quite well, except a few of the shots for people doing drill exercises came out quite blurry due to the speed they were moving at. Nonetheless, I was happy with my footage, specifically the footage of people using the boxing pads and throwing punches. This is because it shows both the people who use the gym (people who attend and the coach) but it also shows off the equipment that can be used while you are in said gym and what you will be doing while you are here.

After I had shot the footage, I had to then piece it together. I did all of the editing using Premiere Pro. At the end of the video, I decided that I would include text presenting information about prices, times and dates of the gym. This is useful as this information is only available on the Harton And Westoe Boxing Club Facebook page, and people without Facebook can now find it on this video. In the video, I used many more effective editing techniques, such as these:

Here, you can see that I time lapsed many of the clips in the video. This was done for many reasons. One reason is that it allows me to show a lot more in the clip than if I used slow footage, as i don't want the video to last too long and lose the attention of viewers, but I also want to make sure that I get as much footage in as I can. It also works entirely as an aesthetic choice as-well. 

This shows the part in the clip where I transition from one clip to another with a fade in/fade out following the camera drifting to the right and fading into a different shot. This was chosen as it fit the way the camera swayed to the side, and gave it an interesting look that would catch people's eyes. 

Here I show that I made both the music track and the video fade out together at the same time. This is to prevent there from being a cut out when the video ends, which would look unprofessional and awkward.

Instagram Page

With my video finished, I began work on my Instagram page. On the page, I chose to make three posts. One post of someone sparring, one post of equipment, and one post of information regarding Harton And Westoe Boxing Club. On all of these posts I used very popular hashtags relating to fitness and exercise. This was supposed to reach more people, yet it had varied results. My most liked image had 6 likes, whereas the least liked image had only 1 like. Also, my page only managed to reach 3 followers. Overall, I would say that my Instagram wasn't particularly successful.


To conclude, Harton And Westoe's own promotional content is rather successful and reaches many people. In my created content, I was rather unsuccessful. While not all bad, I didn't get anywhere near the numbers of Harton And Westoe Boxing Club's original content. This leads me to conclude that their methods are more effective than I may have originally perceived, and that my methods would likely not be effective ways for them to increase how well known they are.