Thursday 16 May 2019

Harton And Westoe Project Evaluation

Promotional Video Evaluation

For my marketing of the Harton And Westoe Boxing Gym, I produced a video showcasing the gym, the people who attend, and what is done in it. I had many people give me feedback. My friend Jack said that:

 "The video was a decent length, and showed a-lot of relevant content, but I feel like the time lapse was slightly overdone."

After reviewing this feedback, I have decided that I must agree slightly. The use of time-lapse in my promotional video certainly may seem like a bit much, as if it was over edited. While this was the intentions, from an aesthetic standpoint, I can see how it could possibly be irritating or nauseating to some due to the speed that the clips making up the video are moving at. Next time I make a promotional video, I will keep things more simple and know when to take a break from big, hard effects. Another friend, Michael, had this to say:

"The video was fine, but I think that a more popular or well known song would've been effective as they'd then associate that popular song, with this advert."

This feedback is also true, as a well known song is more likely to end up staying with the viewer, and staying in their mind. Them associating the song with the trailer will make them associate it with the club as-well, which would inevitably cause people to be thinking about Harton and Westoe Boing Club. Next time I make a video like this, I will likely use a mainstream and popular song to achieve this.

Instagram Page Evaluation

For my social media page advertising Harton And Westoe Boxing Club, my friend Jack said that:

"The posts you've uploaded are good, but there aren't enough posts. you should have posted more in order to show more things and reach more people."

This feedback is very fair, ads I only posted three images to the page. While these images showcased very important parts of the gym, there was room for more to be shown. Also, more posts will mean more people reached, so a small amount of posts isn't nearly as effective as making many posts. Next time, I'll post more and also more often in order to give more information and also grow the page. My friend Michael had this to say:

"The images posted are quite boring, and would likely look better under a filter or after being edited."

Here, I agree fully as the images were very lightly edited. While this was done to give a sort of "raw" feel from the images, it could also make them less visually interesting and therefore less likely yo catch peoples eyes when they see the posts. To fix this, next time I would use more exciting editing techniques on the images to make them more visually interesting and therefore more eye-catching, which would lead top a larger audience seeing them.

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