Friday 28 December 2018

Film Characters


Chris is an average British teenager. At age 16, his only concerns are how to have a good time. This is shown in the movie through his attempts to have a friend come to his house while his parents aren't home. This shows a sense of defiance as he is doing something his parents likely wouldn't approve it. Chris is shown as having a stereotypical "Don't Care' attitude, a common feature in many movies featuring teenage characters. While on the phone, he also mentions smoking something, but doesn't specify exactly that. This hints at drug use, which means that Chris could be quite troublesome since he is committing illegal activities in his spare time, simply for his own enjoyment.

Chris is also a very capable person, capable of defending himself in different situations. However, if overcame by fear that something could go wrong, he will likely run from his problems rather than facing them. He is also a skilled musician, owning many different instruments ranging from a keyboard to a guitar, which he likes to display in his room to attempt to impress anyone who comes in.

Visually, Chris is at an average height with a slim build. He dresses simple, often sticking to a T-Shirt and some tracksuit bottoms taking comfort over style. He has a modern haircut, showing that he does follow some style, and follows some of the norms of a teenage boy in his time.


The intruder is a very capable man. He can pick through locks and climb through windows with ease, despite his large stature. For reasons unknown, he breaks into people's homes at night and attempts to murder them. He does so by first breaking in during daytime to study his victim and their personality, then he attempts to sneak around the house until night, where he can commit the attack on someone who is tired and weaker. If seen before then, he will stop at nothing to end their life as soon as he can. Nothing is know about his personality besides from this.

Visually, The Intruder is a 6 foot tall man dressed in jeans, a black hoodie, a black balaclava and brandishing a knife. The knife is his weapon of choice, but he will use his hands if completely necessary. He typically works in black socks and no shoes, to ensure no footprints are left and he makes less noise, allowing him to sneak easier.

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