Thursday 13 December 2018

Film Synopsis

Working Title: Man In The Night

Film Synopsis:

A teenager called Chris is lying on his bed, on the phone to a friend. Chris plans for his friend to come to his house and hang out, since he is home alone. The plan is made and Chris hangs up the phone. He throws the phone to his side, letting it land on his bed. He hops from his bed and makes his way out of his room, heading downstairs and leaving his phone behind. Chris enters his kitchen and searches through some cupboards in search of food. After looking, he lets out a disappointed sigh and leaves the kitchen. When he turns, he doesn't notice that there is actually an intruder in his house, hiding on the counter behind his kitchen door. Chris makes it to the bottom of the stairs before stopping, convinced he just heard a noise. He turns to face the kitchen, and sees a large men dressed in black, wearing a balaclava and brandishing a knife. In a panic, he falls to the floor and backs up against his front door. The intruder starts coming towards him, increasing gradually in speed. Panicking, Chris scrambles to his feet an goes to rush up the stairs, only for his ankle to be grabbed by The Intruder. He kicks the hand away, then manages to evade a second grabbing attempt. Chris sprints upstairs to his room and looks around, realising that there isn't anywhere to hide. Chris dives across his bed and tries to crouch down along the side furthest from the door, but the Intruder is coming. The Intruder kicks the bedroom door open with force, causing Chris to jump involuntarily and give his position away. The Intruder leaps onto the bed towards Chris, causing him to crawl backwards from his bed, then accidentally corner himself. The Intruder capitalizes and goes in for the kill, but Chris manages to grab the larger mans wrist. It takes both hand, but he manages to hold the knife away and then knock it from his grip. Chris tries to escape again, but the Intruder mounts atop him and starts attempting strangulation. Chris once again manages to fight off by pushing him into his hard bed frame, then lunging at the knife. Chris gets the weapon in hand, yet ends up being caught in a choke from behind. The Intruder pulls Chris backwards, but the momentum allows Chris to break from his grip and end up sat atop The Intruder. As fast as he can, he stabs the knife down into the chest of The Intruder. Exhausted, Chris lets out many breaths before audibly thanking god. HE drops the knife and stand sup. Then limps slowly to leave his bedroom. He looks out of the window and notices it to now be dark outside. He faces his bedroom again slowly, only to notice the knife and the corpse aren't there any more. In a panic, he tries to run. A large shadow emerges from his bedroom, The Intruder is back on his feet. Chris tries to get to the stairs, but is caught from behind and immediately stabbed in the chest, fatally. The Intruder succeeded in his plan.

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